4.04 – Writing a Choose Our Way Tale with Twine or Texture Writer (English Lesson)

Students write short stories. Most of them love it. The creative process is something that so many of our students are just itching to engage with. But, one of the reasons that teachers don't always want to teach creative writing, is because it means reading. A lot of reading. And then there's the marking. How … Continue reading 4.04 – Writing a Choose Our Way Tale with Twine or Texture Writer (English Lesson)

4.02 – Introducing Choose Our Way Tales: COWtales (English Lesson)

The world of creative fiction is about to open up before your students. One of the most engaging ways to create fiction is to consider Choose Our Way Tales (or COWtales, as I like to call them). These stories go by many different names: Choose your own adventure Choose your scare Pick your path Adventure … Continue reading 4.02 – Introducing Choose Our Way Tales: COWtales (English Lesson)